6 предложений ** английском языке про викингов

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6 предложений на английском языке про викингов

Литература (16 баллов) | 176 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Vikings — scandinavan tribes in the middle Ages was inhabited by coastal and the continental part of Scandinavia and the Baltic sea. 8 article became widely known in northwestern Europe as conquerors, pirates and merchants. Subsequently circulated its expansion throughout Europe, the North Atlantic and the middle East. In France, the "Northern people" were known as "Normans" in England they were called Danes", in the Byzantine Empire — "Barangay" Rus "Vikings". Often on the conquered lands, founded their own settlements. In England, Normandy, Iceland, Sicl and in the interfluve of the Dnieper and Volkhov formed their own state. In the end mixed with the local tribes. The population of Iceland, Faroe and Shetland is considered to be ethnic descendants of the Vikings in its purest form
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На английском:

The penetration of the Vikings in the Finnish land began in the 2nd half of the VIII century, as evidenced in the oldest layers of Staraya Ladoga (similar to layers in Danish Ribe). At about the same time this land was inhabited and settled by Slavs. Unlike the raids on the shores of Western Europe, the Viking settlement in Eastern Europe was more stable. The Scandinavians themselves have noted the abundance of fortified settlements in Eastern Europe, baptized Ancient Rus "a country of cities" — Gard. Evidence of forced entry of the Vikings in Eastern Europe are not so numerous as in the West.[1] as an example, the invasion of the Swedes in the land of the Curonians of which is told in the Vita of Ansgar.
Volkhov. Mounds. Below Old Ladoga
The main object of interest of the Vikings were river routes, which through a system of portages it was possible to reach the Arab Caliphate (the Volga and the Caspian sea) and Constantinople (along the Dnieper and don via the Black sea).


Проникновение викингов в финские земли началось во 2-й половине VIII века, как о том свидетельствуют древнейшие слои Старой Ладоги (аналогичные слоям в датском Рибе). Примерно в одно время с ними эти земли заселяли и осваивали славяне. В отличие от набегов на берега Западной Европы, поселения викингов в Восточной Европе носили более стабильный характер. Сами скандинавы отмечали обилие укреплённых поселений на востоке Европы, окрестив Древнюю Русь «страной городов» — Гардами. Свидетельства насильственного проникновения викингов на востоке Европы не так многочисленны, как на западе.[1] В качестве примера можно привести вторжение шведов в земли куршей, о котором рассказано в житии Ансгара.

Волхов. Курганы. Ниже Старой Ладоги

Основным объектом интереса викингов были речные пути, по которым через систему волоков можно было добраться до Арабского халифата (по Волге и Каспийскому морю) и Константинополя (по Днепру и Дону через Черное море).

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