Выберите правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0) : a(an) ; b. the;...

0 голосов
161 просмотров

Выберите правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0) :

a(an) ; b. the; c. 0

1.I have… lot of English books.

2.His father is…old.

3.She is …architect.

4.My brothers are…doctors.

5.I am… artist.

6.These are…nice ties.

7.That is…good plan.

8.The plans are on…table

9.… my plates are good.

Выберите правильные предлоги:

10.I am very fond…sport.of; b. with; c. in

11.His ties are… the box.on; b. in; c. at

12.The paper is…the shelf.on; b. at; c. in

13.Put the plates…the table.in; b. at ; c. on

Выберите правильные времена глаголов:

14.We…take a vacation this month.is not; b. did not; c. shall not

15.Probably, I…my friends at this time.shall have visited ; b. shall be visiting; c. have visited

16.After the festival is over she… a vacation with her family.will take; b. take; c. taking

Выберите правильную форму глагола to be или to have: a. has; b. have; c. is ; d. are; e. am

17.My brother…got English magazines.

18.…you got a flat in Moscow?

19.I…very busy today.

20.…the floor clean

21.…you well?

22.How many students…present?

23.Who…got thin paper?

Выберите английские эквивалентыдля слов, стоящих в скобках:

24.(Эти) books are thin.this; b. these; c. that; d. those

25.What colour are (те) pens?that; b. those; c. these; d. this

26.(Этот) house is of modern design.that; b. these; c. this; d. those

27.(Это) is our classroom. that; b. this; c. these; d. those

28.(Какая) book is this? that; b. this; c. what ; d. who

29.(Где) is your flat? Why; b. where; c. what; d. colour

30.Have you got (тонкие) notebooks? grey; b. clean; c. thin; d. thick

31.He has got (мало) friends here. many; b. few; c. a lot of; d. much

32.She has got (много) bread. few; b. little; c. many; d. much

33.(Сколько) rooms has your brother got? how many; b. how much; c. where; d. why

34.( У кого) has clean paper? What; b. Who; c. Where; d. Why

35.What is (его) father? her ; b. his; c. my; d. their

36.Where are (ee) parents? her; b. his ;c. their; d. its

37.This is (их) flat. their; b. its; c. her; d. his

38.What colour are the walls in that room?

39.(Ee) walls are grey. her; b. its; c. his; d. their

40.(Наша) flat has five rooms. my ; b. his; c. their; d. our I have (только) one brother. with ; b. also ;c. very; d. only

41.I am (свободен) today. busy; b. free; c. married; d. unwell

Английский язык (30 баллов) | 161 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

1.I have A lot of English books. 

2.His father is - old.

3.She is AN architect. 

4.My brothers are - doctors.

5.I am AN artist.

6.These are - nice ties.

7.That is A good plan.

8.The plans are on THE table

9. - my plates are good.

Выберите  правильные предлоги:


11.  in;


13. on

Выберите  правильные  времена  глаголов:

14. shall not

15. b. shall be visiting; 

16..will take; 

17.My brother HAS got English magazines.

18.HAVE you got a flat in Moscow?

19.I AM very busy today.

20.IS the floor clean?

21.ARE you well?

22.How many students ARE present?

23.Who HAS got thin paper?

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

24. b. these;

25. b. those; 

26.  c. this;

27. b. this;

28. c. what ;

29.  b. where;

30. c. thin; 

31. b. few; 

32. d. much

33. how many;        

34. b. Who; 

35. b. his;

36. her; 

37. their;

38.What  colour are the walls in that room?

39. b. its;

40. d. our

 d. only

41. b. free; 

(92.7k баллов)
0 голосов

1) a

2) 0

3) an

4) 0

5) an

6) 0

7) a

8) the

9) 0


10) a. of

11) b. in

12) a. on

13) c. on


14) c. shall not

15) b. shall be visiting

16) a. will take


17) has

18) have

19) am

20) is

21) are

22) have

23) has


24) b) these

25) b. those

26) c. this

27) b. this

28) c. what

29) b. where

30) c. thin

31) b. few

32) d. much

33) a. how many

34) b. who

35) b. his

36) a. her

37) a. their

38) -

39) b. its

40) d. our                                                        d. only

41) b. free


(13.7k баллов)