Ребята назвать время по английсский 16:20 8:44 14:30 18:45 13:58 17:30 19:30 12:02
PM-вечер AM-утро 4:20pm, 8:44am, 2:30pm, 6:45pm, 1:58pm, 5:30pm, 7:30pm, 12:02am.
16.20 it's twenty past four p.m. 8.44 it's a eighteen to nine a.m. 14.30 it's half past two p.m. 18.45 it's a quarter to seven p.m. 13.58 it's two to two p.m. 17.30 it's half past six p.m. 19.30 it's half past eight p.m. 12.02 it's two past twelve p.m.