Переведите ** английский язык. 1. Вы любите футбол? - да, я болельщик. Я болею за...

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Переведите на английский язык.

1. Вы любите футбол? - да, я болельщик. Я болею за Динамо. 2 наша команда победила команду команду Тбилиси со счетом 3:2 3. Кто выиграл последнюю игру? - команда Манчестера. Сегодня интересный матч, поэтому стадион переполнен. - да, вчера матч был не такой интересный, как сегодня и было мало народу на стадионе. 5. Я не собираюсь идти на стадион сегодня, я очень устал. Я посмотрю матч по телевизору. 6. Вам матч понравился? - да, я получил большое удовольствие. Игроки "Арарата" были так же сильны, как и игроки Динамо. 7. Я думаю, завтра будет трудно купить билеты на матч.- давайте купим билеты сегодня. 8. Интересно, почему команда так плохо играет сегодня. - я слышал, что несколько хороших игроков ушли из команды. 9. На стадион приехало очень много народу, поэтому было трудно найти место, чтобы поставить машину. 10. Центральный нападающий получил травму. Где же врач? - вон он идет! 11. Наша команда несомненно выиграет этот матч, и на следующей недели она будет играть в алма-те. 12. Как только футболисты выйдут на поле, судья даст свисток, и игра начнется. 13. Когда наша команда прилетит домой из Ташкента, мы поедем в аэропорт встречать ее. 14. Извините, я не слышал вас, повторите пожалуйста свой вопрос. 15. Если вы не поймете вопроса, попросите преподавателя повторить его.

Английский язык (83 баллов) | 71 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1. Do you love football? - Yes, I am a fan. I support the Dynamo. 2, our team won the team team Tbilisi 3-2 3. Who won the last game? - The team of Manchester. Interesting match today, so the stadium is full. - Yes, yesterday, the match was not as interesting as it is today, and there were few people in the stadium. 5. I'm not going to go to the stadium today, I was very tired. I'll see the match on TV. 6. Do you like the game? - Yes, I got a lot of fun. Players of "Ararat" was as intense as the Dynamo players. 7. I think tomorrow will be difficult to buy tickets for the match. - Let's buy tickets today. 8. I wonder why the team played so bad today. - I've heard that some good players left the team.9. The match came to a lot of people, so it was hard to find a place to park the car. 10. Striker was injured. Where is the doctor? - There he goes! 11. Our team certainly will win this match, and the next week it will play in the Alma those. 12. As soon as the players take to the field, the referee will whistle and the game begins. 13. When our team arrives home from Tashkent, we go to the airport to meet her. 14. Sorry, I did not hear you, please repeat your question. 15. If you do not understand the question, ask the teacher to repeat it.

(28 баллов)
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1. Do you like soccer? "Yes, I'm a football fan. I am a fan of Dinamo. 2 our team defeated the team of Tbilisi with the score 3:2 3. Who won the last game? - the team of Manchester. Today an interesting match, so the stadium is full. "Yes, yesterday the match was not as interesting as it is today, and there were few people at the stadium. 5. I'm not going to go to the stadium today, I am very tired. I'll watch the match on TV. 6. You match like? "Yes, I got a great pleasure. Players "Ararat" were as strong as the players Dynamo. 7. I think tomorrow will be difficult to buy tickets for the match.- let's buy tickets today. 8. I wonder why the team is so bad plays today. "I heard that a few good players have left the team. 9. The stadium came a lot of people, so it was difficult to find a place to put the car. 10. Central striker was injured. Where is the doctor? "there he goes! 11. Our team will undoubtedly win this match, and the next week she will play in Alma-te. 12. As soon as the players go out on the field, the judge will give a whistle and the game will begin. 13. When our team will fly home from Tashkent, we'll go to the airport to meet her. 14. Sorry, I didn't hear you, please repeat your question. 15. If you don't understand a question, ask the teacher to repeat it.

(18 баллов)