Упражнение 1.Прочитайте диалоги, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов.
A: You can do without lots of things.
B: You can't do without food or water.
A: Oh, yes, you can! You can do without food for weeks and without water for days.
B: Well, you can't do without air or only for a very short time.
A: Can you write without a pen?
B: No, of course, I can't.
A: I must have a new dictionary.
B: Why must you? You don't need a new dictionary. You've got a lot of dictionaries.
I want to see Mr. Z.
I am sorry. I am afraid he may not be in.
But perhaps he may be.
No, sir. He may not be back for some time.
I can wait.
He may not be in until twelve.
I can wait until he is in.
He may be out all day.
May I go to the cinema?
No, not today, tomorrow.
May not I go today? Zed can't come tomorrow. May I go home with Zed afterwards?
Oh, no, you mustn't do that.
Why, mustn't I?
Because you mustn't be home late.
Well, then, may Zed come home with me?
Yes, he may do that.
May I have the money, please.
Oh, very well.