Вставить артикль 1. She was ... most beautiful girl I had ever seen.2. I like ... coffee...

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102 просмотров

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1. She was ... most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
2. I like ... coffee for breakfast.
3. ... mistake I made in the dictatioon was very silly.
4. That`s ... good idea. Let`s arrange it like that.
5. It was a fine day, early in June, and ,,, air was bright.
6, She thinks she will stay in ... bed.
7. ... town of Windsor is ... typical English town.

Английский язык | 102 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. - превосходная степерь прилагательного
2. I like coffee for breakfast. - неисчисляемое существительное
3. The  mistake I made in the dictatioon was very silly. - Вы говорите о конкретной ошибке, КОТОРУЮ вы сделали, определенный артикль!
4. That`s a good idea. Let`s arrange it like that. - после глагола to be чаще всего неопределенный артикль
5. It was a fine day, early in June, and the air was bright.
6, She thinks she will stay in bed. - устойчивое выражение
7. The town of Windsor is a typical English town.- в первом случае определенный городок, а вовтором  типичный английский городок, Вы не выделяете его из общей массы городов

(568k баллов)
0 голосов

1. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
2. I like  coffee for breakfast.
3. A mistake I made in the dictatioon was very silly.
4. That`s a good idea. Let`s arrange it like that.
5. It was a fine day, early in June, and the air was bright.
6, She thinks she will stay in  bed.
7. The  town of Windsor is a typical English town.

(13.8k баллов)