- HiOlya
- Hey, Sasha
- Howare you?
-I'mfine,thanks, andyou?
-I had a greatfirst camefrom the village,there's so cool.
- Ido not like tolive in the countrythere is noentertainment.
-On the contraryIlove livingin the village ofclean air, nonoise,you canwalkup late.Andtherewe havethe lake andwe often gothere with friends.
- Coolbut I lovegoing to the moviesinthe shopsandcafesin the villagethis is nottosozhaleyuniyu.
- Butinimpure airvoezzhatthoughsometimes it is necessaryfor the city?
- Maybe.
- Thenprishlashayuyouto come to visitand have fun.
- Goodcall each
-See you later.