1. Warsaw is … capital of … Poland. 2. Is this worker … Englishman or … German? — He is a...

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214 просмотров

1. Warsaw is … capital of … Poland.
2. Is this worker … Englishman or … German? — He is a Frenchman.
3. … Urals are … oldest mountains on the Earth.
4. … English prefer to have their own houses.
5. My friend has … black horse of his own whose name is “Star”.
6. … poor (pensioners and elderly people) are socially unprotected
in this country.
7. In my opinion, … unemployment is one of … most serious social
problems in … Russia nowadays.
8. Have you got any English book in … original in your library?
9. The dollar, which is … monetary unit in … USA, today has …
slang name “a buck”.
10. There is … very interesting museum of ancient and modern toys
in … town of Chester, which is situated in … northwest of England.

Люди помогите мне пожалуйста сделать упражнение по английскому языку

Английский язык (22 баллов) | 214 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1. the, -
2. an, - 
3. The, the
5. a
7. -, the, -
8. -
9. a, the, a
10. a, the, -

(22 баллов)