Напишите краткое содержание рассказа Climate - weather in a certain place for a long...

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Climate - weather in a certain place for a long period of time. Climate has a very important impact on plants, animals and humans and is different in different parts of the world.
Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is located in the vast territory from the Pacific coast to the heart of Europe, and its climate in the north, south, east and west are different. In the West, for example, the climate is generally mild and humid. At the same time, the coldest place on the planet is in the north of Siberia, while in the south of Russia, a lot of sunlight and summer heat can be really horrible. Summer and winter temperatures are different in Moscow, Omsk and Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd and Rostov. In the Arctic winter temperature is low enough. In the taiga zone of long, cold winters and short summers. very hot in the summer between the Black and Caspian seas.
But recently, the climate in our country has changed dramatically, especially in its European part. Some scientists believe that the world is getting hotter. If you compare Moscow summer and winter temperatures in the beginning of the century and at the end, you will find that the temperature is actually changed. Winters are warmer. Sometimes in January falls a little snow, and the winter was, when there was rain (not snow!) On the eve of the New Year.
Many people say that this is due to the greenhouse effect. Have you ever heard of this? It happens like this: sunlight gives us warmth. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, some of the heat is returned back into space. In our days, the air surrounding the earth, has become much warmer due to the fact that heat can not go back into space. That is why winter and summer temperatures in many places have become higher. During the last hundred years, people have made a lot of carbon dioxide. The gas in the atmosphere acts as a glass greenhouse. He admits heat, but does not allow a lot of heat escape. So
that the atmosphere is getting warmer. Whence comes the carbon dioxide? Humans and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees absorb dioxide from the air and produce oxygen, but in the last five years, people have cut down and burned a large number of tropical forests. This means that little remains of trees and, of course, a lot of carbon dioxide! .
As we can see, the climate in different parts of the world is slowly changing from year to year. These changes can be dangerous for our fragile planet that needs to be protected. Earth millions of years, much older than people. We know a lot of her secrets. But many have yet to discover.

Английский язык (122 баллов) | 194 просмотров
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Климат - погода в определенном месте в течение длительного периода времени. Климат оказывает очень важное влияние на растения, животных и людей и в разных частях мира..Откуда берется углекислый газ? Люди и животные вдыхают кислород и выдыхают углекислый газ. Мы производим углекислый газ, когда мы сжигаем вещи. Деревья поглощают диоксид из воздуха и производят кислород, но за последние пять лет люди вырубили и сожгли большое количество тропических лесов. Это означает, что мало что осталось от деревьев и, конечно, много углекислого газа!
Как мы видим, климат в разных частях мира постепенно меняется из года в год. Эти изменения могут быть опасны для нашей хрупкой планеты, которая нуждается в защите. Земле миллионы лет, гораздо старше, чем люди. Мы знаем много ее секретов. Но многие еще предстоит узнать.

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