1 Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need negative. 1. My friends...

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418 просмотров

1 Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need negative. 1. My friends ............................................ in a big flat.* a. live b. lives c. doesn’t live d. are living 2. The earth ............................... round the sun.* a. is going b. isn’t going c. go d. goes 3. Unfortunately Lisa ......................... French well.* a. speak b. is speaking c. don’t speak d. doesn’t speak 4. Where ............................. last night?* a. do you go b. did you go c. do you went d. did you went 5. We went to John’s house but he ........................... at home.* a. didn’t be b. don’t be c. were not d. was not 2 Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use a verb from this list. 1. – Peter can’t move his arm. It’s in plaster. He.............. his arm.* a. broken b. broke c. has broken d. had broken 2. Tina, would you like something to eat? – No, thank you. I............... lunch.* a. have b. had had c. have had d. haven’t had 3. - Can you remember any of Shakespeare’s plays? – Yes. I ................ Hamlet.* a. have read b. haven’t read c. read d. didn’t read 4. – Linda, is Sarah here? – Yes. She is in her office. I................. her this morning.* a. haven’t seen b. have seen c. had seen d. seen 5. I like my colleagues. We ............... together for 10 years.* a. have worked b. had worked c. have been working d. have being worked 6. Where have you been, Sam? I .................... you all morning.* a. had been looking b. have been looking c. look d. looking for 3 Choose one of the answers. 1. Sally didn’t want to go to the cinema with us because she ................ the film.* a. had already seen b. have already seen c. has already watched d. had been watching 2. – Ken, could you be quieter? ....................my homework. * a.I try b. was trying c. am trying d. be trying to do 3. We had to go home after this awful accident. Charley ................... her favorite antique vase.* a. has broken b. had broken c. fell d. have fallen 4. My grandfather gave up smoking 5 years ago. He................. 30 years. * a. smoked b. had smoked c. had smoking d. had been smoking for 4 Complete the sentences. Choose one of the following words and put it into the correct form. 1. Johnny, .....................at this red car! It’s so beautiful* a. view b. see c. watch d. look 2. When I lived in the country I.................... the sunset every night. * a. viewed b. seen c. watched d. looked 3. What are you............... about? * a. talking b. speaking c. telling d. saying 4. Tony, ...................... the dishes after dinner yet?* a. have you done b. had you made c. did you work d. did you get 5 Choose the most suitable word. 1. – Patric, I have a little problem. – If you want me to hear you out, I am all ..............* a. listen b. hear c. hearing d. ears 2. – Do you like cats? – No! I can’t.................. them! * a. see b. suffer c. stand d. tolerate 3. They do things as a..................... I suppose they should think about the consequence. * a. matter of course b. direction c. path d. route 4. Her sister is................. on the trigger. She acts and responds really fast. * a. quick b. ease c. fast d. istantly

Английский язык (60 баллов) | 418 просмотров
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1) lives

2) goes

3) doesn't

4) did you go

5) was not

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