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Прошу помогите, пожалуйста, даю много баллов, переведите текст на английский. Без машинного перевода!

Я учился в 49 школе. Она нахоилась недалеко от моего дома, поэтому до школы я добирался пешком. Учился сначала в
классе под буквой "Д", затем "Е", а заканчивал школу я у же в "В" классе. В моем классе было около 30 человек. Об
обстановке класса: классы по размеру были такие же, парты были немного изрисованы, а цветов в классе было мало.
Насчет дисциплины, дисциплина была не очень хорошей, многие дети баловались, и нарушали порядок. Предметы были не
тяжелые, больше всего мы изучали историю и литературу. После школы я ходил в литературный кружок. Форма была
строгая, черного или темно-синего цвета. В школьной столовой продавались пирожки, было много картошки и котлет,
пирожных, к сожалению, не было.

Английский язык (626 баллов) | 21 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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I used to go to school number 49. It was not far from my house, so I got to school on foot. First I was studying in class under the letter "D", then in class under the letter "E", and I finished the school in "B" class. There were about 30 people in my class. About class interior: dimensions of classes were the same, desks were a little ornamented, and there were not enough flowers in the classroom. About discipline, the discipline was not very good, many children were naughty, and didn`t keep the order. There were not difficult subjects, we studied most of all History and Literature. After school I went to a literary study group. The uniform was strict of black or dark blue colour.  They sold pies in the school canteen, there were a lot of potatoes and cutlets, but unfortunately there were no cakes.

(31.7k баллов)
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 I studied at school 49. It was situated not far away from my house, so I got to school on foot. At first I studied at class D, then at E, and I finished school in class B. There were about 30 people in my class. What about interior, the size of our class was the as everywhere, the desks were a little bit painted, but there weren't many colours. what about discipline, It wasn't very good. Many students were naughty and they disobeyed. The subjects weren't difficult, we studied History and Literature most of the time. After school I went to a literature elective. The uniform was strict. It was black or dark blue. Pies were sold in a school canteen. There was also a lot of potato and kotlets, but, unfortunately, there were no cakes.

(8.9k баллов)