Put the word enough in the right place. 1. Do we have water to water the garden? 2....

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172 просмотров

Put the word enough in the right place. 1. Do we have water to water the garden? 2. Johnny is big to understand such things. 3. The skyscraper is tall to see the whole city from its top. 4. She had wisdom to say nothing. 5. Do we have books on the Civil War in America? 6. Ben hasn't got farmland to raise cows.

Put in prepositions where necessary. 1. Americans have only one Constitution, but they make amendments _ it. 2. Germany began the war without declaring it _ Russia. 3. The Bill _ Rights guarantees to people some important rights and freedoms. 4. Everyone liked the boy and trusted him. 5. Do you have any respect vou these people? 6. I'll support __ your struggle. 7. The Statue of Liberty is a great attraction ____ tourists.

Express the same English. 1. Мы знали, что наш приятель родился в 1991 году. 2. Учитель объяснил, что он уже видел новый учебник и даже купил его. 3. Кто-нибудь рассказал детям, что Лондон — древний город, основанный римлянами? 4. Брат сказал, что в тот день он проснулся в девять часов. 5. Дети спросили, бывал ли путешественник в Южной Америке. 6. Все понимали, что знать иностранный язык полезно.

Английский язык (115 баллов) | 172 просмотров
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1. Do we have enough water to water the garden?

2. Johnny is big enough to understand such things.

3. The skyscraper is tall enough to see the whole city from its top.

4. She had enough wisdom to say nothing.

5. Do we have enough books on the Civil War in America?

6. Ben hasn't enough got farmland to raise cows.


1. Americans have only one Constitution, but they make amendments to it.

2. Germany began the war without declaring it on Russia.

3. The Bill of Rights guarantees to people some important rights and freedoms.

4. Everyone liked the boy and trusted him.

5. Do you have any respect for these people?

6. I'll support (you in) your struggle.

7. The Statue of Liberty is a great attraction for tourists.


1. We knew that our friend was born in 1991.

2. The teacher made it clear, that he has already seen the new Studentbook and even bought it.

3.Has anyone told the children that London is an ancient city, built by Romans?

4.Brother said he woke up at 9 o'clock that day.

5.The children asked if the traveller had been to South America.

6. Everyone undersood that it's useful to know a foreign language.

(14 баллов)