Перессказ краткий текста сдеайте плиз быстро Many years ago most schoolchildren walked to school. To help children to cross the street "patrols' stood in the streets. They wore a bright coat and held a red-and-white stick with a circular sign at the top which read "Stop, Children". The sign looked like a lollipop (). Most "patrols'' were women and were called "Lollipop Ladies", But since the 1980s there have been far fewer "Lollipop Ladies" in the streets. Today so many children go to school by car and bus, that there isn't as much of a need for patrols to help children cross the streets although, of course, there is still some need.
In 1993 there were 1,000 lollipop ladies in bright coats in the streets of London standing at zebra crossings with their "Lollipop signs".
Many other towns in Britain, small and large, also still have "Lollipop Ladies" in their streets.