Английский язык 6 класс написать про улицу саратова

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67 просмотров

Английский язык 6 класс написать про улицу саратова

Английский язык | 67 просмотров
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Kutyakova Street - a street IZ tsentralnыh Saratov. Pass from Street Radishcheva to Zavokzalnaya posёlka.Street named after the hero of Soviet Union Ivan Kutyakova
History [rules | rules-spelled text]In 1818 fed on Hlebnoy Square (nыne Teatralnaya Square Saratov merchant Kryuchkovыm bыla postroena church of Peter and Paul. Around the church nahodylys Torgovyi ryadы by kotorыmy beginning zastrayvatsya Street, poluchyvshaya svoё Title from nahodyvshehosya nepodalёku Cathedral - Petropavlovskaya. K conc 19th Century Street doshla have to canvas Ryazan-Ural Railway. Natsyonalnыy composition prozhyvavshyh on the Neagh people bыl samыm raznoobraznыm. But preobladaly mainly tsыhane, selyvshyesya there tselыm camp. So Street dawned new Title - Tsыhanskaya. Tsыhane settled blyzhe for torhovыm benches and temples. Later, nachalys foray on the bench and church sovershalys podzhohy, yakobы all Property of shorelo from the inside. as a rule, all nahrablennoe Property of pryatalos at itself in the house. police repeatedly held obыsky, but to no avail. Now exist opinion, something to Tsыhanskoy Street bolshe nahodytsya to forget and nenaydennoho put , than lyubom friend in the city. at least the existence of a new Title Street, mestnыe obraschalys residents in the village council Horodskuyu prosboy Return the old Title. That was the Hodataystvo otkloneno. In 1957 godu Tsыhanskaya Street bыla pereymenovana in Street Called Hero Soviet Union Kutyakova.
Location of [rules | rules-spelled text]Street raspolahaetsya in a central part of the city, such protyahyvayas peresechenyya Street Radishcheva and Chelyuskyntsev to Lыsoy horы in areas Zavokzalnaya posёlka, becomes 1st Tsementnыy proezd. Prerыvaetsya canvas Railway prymerno by 2,7 ​​km after svoeho beginning. Ostalnaya part (533 m) passes through the territory Zavokzalnaya posёlka through chastnyya sector

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