Соедините начала и концовки предложений. 1) I enjoy trying out 2) I think we break up for the summer 3) Daniel hasn't given in 4) I'm going to go for the position 5) Don't put things off for too long 6) I feel that I'm going to get on well 7) The football coach read out the names 8) I'm going to stay behind after 9) Our teacher gave out all 10) I love joining in 11) I'm going to try to get in 12) Don't forget to note down 13) I can't figure out 1) or you might never do them. 2) of team captain. 3) the answer to this maths problem. 4) the school football team this term. 5) new things. 6) all the details in your book. 7) on 6 June. 8) school and do some extra work. 9) his homework yet. 10) of everyone in the team. 11) at school this year. 12) when someone starts singing. 13) the new assignments to everyone yesterday.
1)5 2)7 3)9 4)2 5)1 6)11 7)10 8)8 9)13 10)12 11)4 12)6 13)3
6, 10, 11, 12 - не верны
Отчего же? Всё вполне совпадает.
В 6 - 12, в 10 - 11, в 11 - 6, в 12 - 4, но всё равно спасибо)
Таки я всё равно настаиваю на своей правоте, ибо в Вашем варианте смысл предложений довольно сильно теряется :D Рад помочь.