My name is Egor Larin. I'm 15 years old. I was born in the town of Noginsk . Now I live alone in Ryazan . My family is not very big. Our family of 5 people. My father's name Eugene Dmitrievich . He is 43 years old. He eletrick works at the factory . My mother's name. Irina . She's 45 years old. Housewife She Is. My older brother works as a driver . My grandmother lives with us. Not It works. Retired It. I love my family. I have two aunts and one uncle. I live in a Studio I am currently a College student. In our College a lot of good teachers. I try to be a good student in all subjects. My favorite subject is history . I love Hiking and music of almost all genres, I Have many friends in Russia . Germany , Latvia and America . We meet in the camps