1. Dental students receive (Present Simple - мн.число) their education in specialized dental schools.
2. In Russia a training course for certified dental students lasts (Present Simple - ед.число) five academic years.
Apart from general medical disciplines, the four principal divisions
of dentistry are recognized (страдательный залог в Present Simple) in curricula in Russia.
4. Entry to a dentistry department depends (Present Simple - ед.число)on the resul ts of com-petitive examinations.
5. For hundreds of years people believe(Present Simple -мн.число) that tooth decay is caused (страдательный залог в Present Simple) by a worm in the teeth.
6. Short courses are offered(страдательный залог в Present Simple) regularly to dentists to keep them informed of the new developments in dentistry.
7 . Dentistry is considered (страдательный залог в Present Simple)well-paid and secure employment in Great Britain.
8. Study of basic medical and dental subjects is closely interconnected _(страдательный залог в Present Simple) with clinical dentistry.
9. Anatomy , biochemistry and physiology are studied_(страдательный залог в Present Simple) at medical uni-versities.
10. Before starting to work wi th patients in clinics, students are taught_(страдательный залог в Present Simple) the techniques on phantom heads.
11. Doctors look (Present Simple - мн.число) for new ways to help patients.
12. Medical science makes (Present Simple - ед.число) a lot of progress in recent years both in treatment and diagnosis.
13. Many simple measures are taken (страдательный залог в Present Simple) to prevent dental diseases.
1 4. Preventive care aims (Present Simple - ед.число)at the two major tooth troubles: caries and gum diseases.
15. Preventive orthodontics is (Present Simple - ед.число) another aspect of early treatment.