2.Виберіть правильний варіант використання артикля в наступних реченнях
1. Apples / the apples are good for you.
2. Look at apples / the apples on that tree! They are very large.
3. Women / the women are often better teachers than men / the men.
4. In Britain coffee / the coffee is more expensive than tea / the tea.
5. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. Cheese / the cheese was
especially good.
6. Do you know people / the people who live next door?
7. Many children don’t like to go to school / the school.
8. After work / the work, Ann usually goes home / to home.
9. All criminals must be sent to prison / the prison for their crimes.
10. When Max was ill, we all went to hospital / the hospital to visit her.
11. I like to read in bed / the bed before going to sleep.
12. How many people go to university / the university in your country?
13. Have you ever visited Tower of London / the Tower of London?
14. The British Prime Minister lives in Downing Street / the Downing Street.
15. Mr. Brown’s wife likes to read Times / the Times.