1. He is … man who stole my wallet. 1 — 2 a 3 the 2. Which map shall I give you? — … map...

0 голосов
127 просмотров

1. He is … man who stole my wallet.
1 —
2 a
3 the
2. Which map shall I give you? — … map will do.
1 Some
2 Any
3 Anything
3. I realized how … I knew about it and felt ashamed.
1 little
2 a few
3 few
4. We are looking forward ... going abroad.
1 to
2 at
3 for
5. There is … place like home.
1 some
2 no
3 somewhere
6. It was … a funny joke.
1 so
2 such
3 so much
7. Very … customers were satisfied with the service.
1 little
2 a little
3 few
8. “I’ll be back”, Arnold … the children.
1 said
2 told
3 talked
9. At the end of a day's work, she is often …
1 exhausted
2 exhausting
3 not exhausting
10. That man in the uniform told me that it was time to … the ship.
1 book
2 reserve
3 board

Английский язык (109 баллов) | 127 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1. He is … man who stole my wallet. 3 the
2. Which map shall I give you? — … map will do. 2 Any
3. I realized how … I knew about it and felt ashamed. 1 little
4. We are looking forward ... going abroad. 1 to
5. There is … place like home. 2 no
6. It was … a funny joke. 2 such
7. Very … customers were satisfied with the service. 3 few
8. “I’ll be back”, Arnold … the children. 2 told
9. At the end of a day's work, she is often … 1 exhausted
10. That man in the uniform told me that it was time to … the ship. 3 board

(542k баллов)

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