Помогите плииизз..... Употребите глаголы , данные в скобках в Past Perfect . Model : When...

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80 просмотров

Помогите плииизз.....
Употребите глаголы , данные в скобках в Past Perfect .
Model : When John and I got to the river, the boat r асе (start already) When John and I got to the river, the boat r асе had already started.

1. When she went to bed, she remembered that she (not/ switch off the light) 2. She felt tired because she (walk а lot / that day) 3. She went for а holiday after she (pass the exams) 4. I didn' t know what to do when they (show / me / the picture) 5. I didn' t look at the present until after she (go). 6. I was very sorry to hear that he (die) 7. Не didn' t start speaking until the children (leave / the room) 8. When I met Helen, I understood why Bill (marry her) 9. Не understood the book only after he (read it / again).

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в нужной форме (Past Simple или Past Perfect.)

1. Margot (to go) to the door and (to lock) it, and (to return) with the key. 2. He sighed again and again, like one who (to escape) from danger. 3. He (to make) tea and (to eat) the biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen (to bring) him. 4. It (to be) all sosudden that for a moment no one (to know) what (to happen). 5. He (to tell) me that they (to be) at the same public school and (to be) friends ever since. 6. Near the door he (to see) the man he (to notice) at the station. 7. The new bus-driver (to have) an accident after he (to drive) a few yards. 8. The students (to enter) the classroom five minutes after the bell (to ring). 9. After she (to lock) and (to bolt) all the doors, she (to go) to bed. 10. The students (to do) all the exercises very well after the teacher (to show) them how to. 11. She (to feel) sick after she (to eat) a whole box of chocolates. 12. The sun (to rise) when the farmer (to start) work.

Английский язык (116 баллов) | 80 просмотров
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I. 1) she hadn't switched off the light 2) she had walked a lot that day 3) she had passed the exam 4)they had showed me the picture 5) she had gone 6) he had died 7) the children had left the room8)had married her 9) had read it again
II. 1) went- locked - returned
2) had escaped
3)made - ate - had brought
4)was - knew -had happened
5) told - were -had been
6)saw -had noticed
7) had - had driven
8)entered - had rung
9)had locked -had bolted - went
10) did- had showed
11) felt - had eaten
12) rose - started ( последнее предлож. у меня вызывает легкое сомнение, sorry)

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