Письмо ** английском о русской избе

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603 просмотров

Письмо на английском о русской избе

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 603 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

Izba is a Russian traditional housing. Izba is usually built of logs (pieces of wood). This type of housing was very popular, when slavic tribes were organized in one state. Everybody lived in izba (even Tsar) till people invented stone houses. Izba always had a so called "red edge". In that edge people had a red sewed towel called "rooshneek" and icons. This edge was holy. Also there were no beds in izbas, everybody slept on the benches or on the stove.

(41 баллов)
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Русская изба – это Россия в малом. Ее судьба во многом схожа с судьбой русского человека: когда-то самобытная, ладная и добротная. Настоящие русские избы дошли до нас благодаря многовековой верности крестьянства заветам старины. Архитектура русской избы свидетельствует о беспримерной стойкости традиций. Не только стиль, но и конструктивное устройство, планировочная структура русской избы и внутреннее ее убранство выработаны на протяжении тысячелетий.  На Русском языке На английском. Russian house - a Russian small. Her fate is very similar to the fate of the Russian people, when something original, well and hearty. These Russian hut came to us through the centuries-old fidelity to the precepts of the peasantry of old. Architecture Russian hut shows unparalleled resistance traditions. Not only the style, but also constructive device layout structure of Russian log hut and its interior decoration developed over thousands of years.