Leadingapproached the boyand invited himto the stage.
Citrusfruits are veryuseful .
cold showerhelps to wake up .
all in all wewerepleased with the trip .
of courseshe did not wantto leave.
almostall the guysare wellpassed their exams.
Polar bearslive in thenorthern hemisphere .
Wheatisgoodthis year .
boyplucked from thepeachtree .
Apricotwasvery tasty .
peargrowingon a tree.
berry meadowscan be difficult tofind .
swampyair wasunpleasant .
sandy beachwas warm
hugehedgehoglooked at us
wefrozebecause thewindwas blowingwet
trees standingaloneon the beach
No oneexcept thegirlscame to the school
Once theywere able to helpher grandmother
Peopleborrowed moneyin the bank
peopleinhabitthe earth
The last thing theywantto wake upin the morning