Расставь слова в правильном порядке. Запиши предложения. will, toboggan, he, Saturday,...

0 голосов
184 просмотров

Расставь слова в правильном порядке. Запиши предложения.
will, toboggan, he, Saturday, next.
ride bikes, Billy, and, his friend, will, tomorrow.
in, park, the, Jill, badminton, will, play.
won’t, he, hide-and-seek, play, his, friends, with.
to, Russia, Tom, will, summer, go, next.
a, snowman, she, make, will, funny, winter, in.

Английский язык (33 баллов) | 184 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

He will toboggan next Saturday. Bully and his friend ride bikes tomorrow. Jill will play badminton in the park. He won't play hide-and-seek with his friends. Tom will go to Russia next summer. She will make a funny snowman in winter.

(1.9k баллов)

Bully and his friend ride bikes tomorrow, а где слово will


Перед словом ride


Сделай данные предложения вопросительными.
I will fly a kite next Monday.
They will draw pictures in their room.
We will fly a kite tomorrow.
Our friend will make a snowman next Saturday.
He will write a letter tomorrow.
She will run and jump in the park.
IV. Сделай данные предложения отрицательными.
It will be cold next January.
We will fly to London next month.
I will learn English next year.
They will dance and sing tomorrow.
Ann and Mike will play chess.
My father will be in London next week.


пожалуйста помоги


Will I
Will they
Will our friend
Will he
Will she
Остальное Все в таком же порядке
It won't be
We won't fly
I won't learn
They won't dance
Ann and Mike won't play
My father won't be


а 4 предложение


Will we


спасибо большое