Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Simple или в Present Continuous. Переведите...

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40 просмотров

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Simple или в Present
Continuous. Переведите предложения.
1. Where (the boys / be )? – At home. They (do) their homework.
2. Adam often ( paint ) pictures of horses?- Yes, he ( like) them a lot.
3. (it / rain) now? – Yes. But it (not / rain) very often here, I must say.
4. Their dog (bark) a lot. Listen! It (bark) again.
5. What (you / do)? Why (you / move) the furniture?
IV. Изменив сказуемое, сделайте предложения отрицательными или
1. He is a billionaire but he doesn’t look like one.
2. We quite like that café because the food is always good there.
3. I am very good at maths but don’t often do well in maths tests.
4. We are tired and want to go to bed.

Английский язык (259 баллов) | 40 просмотров
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1. are the boys; are doing.
Где сейчас мальчики? - Дома. Они делают домашнюю работу.
2. Does (в начале предложения)...paint; likes.
Часто ли Адам рисует лошадей? -Да, он очень их любит.
3. is it raining; doesn't rain
Идет ли сейчас дождь? -Да, но я должен сказать, что здесь нечасто идут дожди.
4. barks; is barking
Их собака много лает. Слушай! Она снова лает!
5. did you do; did you move
Что ты сделал? Зачем ты передвинул мебель?
1. He isn't a billionaire but he looks like one.
2. We don't quite like that cafe because the food is always bad there.
3. I'm not very good at Maths, but I often do well in maths tests.
4. We aren't tired and don't want to go in bed.

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