Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.1. Could you ask your friend to take...

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100 просмотров

Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. Could you ask your friend to take part ... our meet ing? 2. It’s more difficult ... me to learn something ... heart now than it was a few years ago. 3. Do you mind if the children have part ... their classes ... the open air?

4. I enjoyed travelling ... ship. 5. We got ... the bus and ... five minutes it started. 6. Will you help the old woman to get ... the bus, please? 7. It’s very cold outside. I think we’ll have to put ... wartn (warmer) things. 8. Shall we take ... our hats and coats? It’s very warm in here.

9. 1 wonder what they were laughing ... when I came ... the room. 10. Are you going to invite any ... your friends ... dinner ... Sunday? II. Your friend will be pleased ... his new work. I’m quite sure ... it. I’ve talked ... him ... it and told him that the work is difficult, but very interest ing, and he agreed ... me. 12. I wonder why you don’t agree to go ... Batumi ... plane. It’ll take you much less time.

Английский язык (38 баллов) | 100 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Something loved ship

(32 баллов)
0 голосов

1 in
2 for
4 by
5 off; in
6 to
7 on
8 off
9 at ; in
10 of; to; on
11 by ; about ; to ;about ; with
12 to; on

(852 баллов)