Вставить артиклы 1.Rossexport's goods are of ... high quality. 2. ... quality of...

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273 просмотров

Вставить артиклы 1.Rossexport's goods are of ... high quality. 2. ... quality of Rossexport's goods meets ... requirements of their customers. 3. We are interested in buying... machines from British companies. 4 ... tools of Blake&Co. are of ... high quality. 5. We've received ... enquirer for ... three machines lately. 6. What's... weather like today? ... weather is very cold. 7. I don't like to go out in ... wet weather.

Английский язык (21 баллов) | 273 просмотров
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1.Rossexport's goods are of .---- high quality. 2. The quality of Rossexport's goods meets .the requirements of their customers. 3. We are interested in buying.---- machines from British companies. 4 ----. tools of Blake&Co. are of .-----.. high quality. 5. We've received .an enquirer for .----.. three machines lately. 6. What's..the. weather like today? ..the. weather is very cold. 7. I don't like to go out in ..a. wet weather.

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