Упр. 10. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1 . 1 can see many ... people in ... street....

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162 просмотров

Упр. 10. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1 . 1 can see many ... people in ... street.
2. Can you see ... car?
3. She is ... manager. She is a t... work. She works a t... office.
4. Do you see these ... flowers? What colour are ... flowers?
5. There is ... big brown table in ... middle of our ... room.
6. There are two kittens in ... box. ... kittens are black.
7. Do you see ... boy in ... street? He is ... pupil of our ...
school. He is ... good pupil.
8. My sister is ... student. She studies a t ... institute. She
is ... good student and ... good sister.
9. This is ... wolf. ... wolf is very hungry.
10. There is ... carpet on ... floor. ... carpet is new

Упр. 13. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
This is ... picture of my room. There is ... large window
in my ... room. ... ceiling is white, ... floor is brown, ...
walls are blue.
There is ... writing-table near ... window and ... chair
near it. You can see ... telephone on ... writing-table.
I often speak on ... telephone. There is ... bookcase to ...
right of... writing-table. There are not many books in ...
bookcase, but there are ... lot of ... magazines iii it. I usually
spend ... lot of time in my ... room.

Английский язык (125 баллов) | 162 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1.I can see many people in the street.2.Can you see the car?3.She is a manager. She is at  work.She works at an office.4.Do you see these  flowers?What colour are the flowers?5.There is a big brown table in the middle of our room.6.There are two kittens in the  box. The kittens are black.7.Do you see the boy in the street?He is a pupil of our  school.He is a  good pupil.8.My sister is a student.She studies at an institute.She is a good student and a good sister. 9.This is a wolf. The wolf is very hungry.10.There is a carpet on  the floor. The carpet is new

(95 баллов)