Переведите, пожалуйста с русского ** английский предложения: 1) ей не понравилось...

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35 просмотров

Переведите, пожалуйста с русского на английский предложения: 1) ей не понравилось представление, актёры играли плохо, а сюжет не был захватывающим. 2) мы оплатили этот счёт вчера, когда были в ресторане. 3) на прошлой неделе он упал и повредил колено. 4) этот фильм изменил моё мнение об этом режиссёре. 5) кто прочитал эту книгу? Сюжет был запутанный, а конец необычный. 6) герои разрушили цивилизацию с помощью секретного оружия.

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 35 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1) she did not like the performance, the actors played poorly, and the plot was not exciting. 2) we paid the bill yesterday, when we were in the restaurant. 3) on he fell and injured his knee last week. 4) this film has changed my opinion about this director. 5) who read this book? The plot was convoluted and unusual end. 6) characters civilization destroyed by a secret weapon.

(30 баллов)


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1) she did not like the performance, the actors were playing bad, and the plot was not exciting.2) we paid this bill yesterday when I was in the restaurant.3) last week he fell and injured his knee.4) this movie changed my opinion of this Director.5) anyone read this book? The plot was complicated, but the end is unusual.6) heroes of the destroyed civilization using secret weapons.

(22 баллов)

1) she did not like the performance, the actors were playing bad, and the plot was not exciting. 2) we paid this bill yesterday when I was in the restaurant. 3) last week he fell and injured his knee. 4) this movie changed my opinion of this Director. 5) anyone read this book? The plot was complicated, but the end is unusual. 6) heroes of the destroyed civilization using secret weapons.