Placement Test Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions Placement Test...

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Placement Test
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions Placement Test
1 My sister very tired today.
A be B am C is D are
2 His is a famous actress.
A aunt B uncle C grandfather D son
3 I’d like to be a and work in a hospital.
A lawyer B nurse C writer D pilot
4 We like rap music.
A doesn’t B isn’t C aren’t D don’t
5 There a lot of water on the floor. What
A are B is C be D am
6 He TV at the moment.
A watches B is watching C watched
D haswatching
7 Helen is very . She doesn’t go out a lot.
A bored B confident C angry D shy
8 Did you to the beach yesterday?
A went B were C go D goed
9 Have you got orange juice? I’m thirsty.
A some B a C any D the
10 Let’s gointo garden. It’s sunny outside.
A a B any C – D the
11 He’s for the next train.
A looking B waiting C listening D paying
12 Mark his car lastweek.
A cleaned B did clean C has cleaned
D is cleaning
13 I bought some lovely red today.
A cabbages B cucumbers C bananas
D apples
15 Which bus for when I saw you this
A did you wait B had you waited
C were you waiting D have you waited
16 Where you like to go tonight?
A do B would C are D can
17 That’sthe film I’ve everseen!
A worse B worst C baddest D most bad
18 My dad his car yet.
A hasn’t sold B didn’t sell C doesn’t sell
D wasn’t sold
19 I’ve been a doctor fifteen years.
A since B for C until D by
20 Look at the sky.It rain.
A will B can C is going to D does
21 IfI this homework, the teacher will be
A am not finishing B won’t finish
C don’tfinish D didn’t finished
22 This book is even than the lastone!
A most boring B boringer C more boring
D far boring
23 I’ll meet you I finish work.
A if B when C as D so
24 We’regettingmarried March.
A in B on C at D by
25 If you steak for a long time, it goes hard.
A cook B are cooking C have cooked
D cooked
26 I you outside the cinema, OK?
A ’ll see B am going to see C am seeing
D see
27 I not be home this evening. Phone me
on my mobile.
A can B could C may D shouldPlacement Test
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions Placement Test
28 Thecriminal outside the hotel last night.
A wascaught B has beencaught
C is caught D caught
29 He asked me if I a lift home.
A wanted B want C was wanting
D hadwanted
30 IfI older, I’d be able to vote in elections.
A had B am C were D have
31 You go to the supermarket this
afternoon. I’ve already been.
A mustn’t B can’t C needn’t D won’t
32 Kathydrives than her sister.
A more carefully B morecareful C carefully
D most carefully
33 The near our village is beautiful.
A country B woods C view D countryside
34 I’m I can’t help you with that.
A apologise B afraid C regret D sad
35 Itwas really this morning. I couldn’t see
anything on theroads.
A cloudy B sunny C icy D foggy
36 Can youlook my dog while I’m away?
A for B at C to D after
37 IfI’d started the work earlierI it bynow.
A would finish B had finished C will finish
D would have finished
38 This time next yearI in Madrid.
A am working B will work C will be working
D work
39 I wish he in front of our gate.It’s very
A won’t park B wouldn’t park
C doesn’tpark D can’t park
40 He said he’d seen her the night.
A last B before C previous D earlier
42 I agreed to go out. I haven’t got any
A mustn’t have B shouldn’t have
C couldn’t have D wouldn’t have
43 Itwasgood about herrecovery, wasn’t
A information B words C news D reports
44 I the report by 5.00 p.m. You can have it
A havefinished B will have finished
C finish D am finishing
45 Because of the snow the teachers all
the students to go home early.
A said B made C told D demanded
46 Thanks forthe meal!It was .
A delighted B delicious C disgusting
D distasteful
47 Look!Our head teacher on TV right now!
A is being interviewed B is beeninterviewed
C isinterviewing D is interviewed
48 It’s to drive a car over 115 km/h in the
A unlegal B illegal C dislegal D legaless
49 There’s a lot of rubbish in the garden I need to
get of.
A lost B rid C cleared D taken
50 I’m afraid it’s time we .
A leave B must leave C areleaving D left
51 Hewonderedwhat .
A is the time? B the time was
C was the time D is the time?
52 They our salaries by 5%.
A rose B made up C raised D lifted

Английский язык (19 баллов) | 450 просмотров
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