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One day, Freddy the Fox goes to Betty the Bear. Betty is in her garden. ,,Can I use your garden, dear Betty? I want to plant some carrots.'' ,,But how can we divide them when they are ready?'' Beaty asks. ,, You can take the tops and I can take the roots.'' Freddy answers. Betty agrees and Freddy plants some carrots. When the carrots are reade, Beatty calls Fready. ,,Come, now, Betty,'' says Freddy. ,,Let's divide the carrots. The tops are for you and the roots are for me.'' ,, This is not fair!'' says Betty the Bear. ,, I cannot eat the tops!'' Betty the Bear is very angry. ,, No more favours for Freddy!'' she says. But Freddy comes again and asks for another favour. ,,Please, dear Betty,'' he says. ,,Let me use your garden. I want to plant some melons.'' ,,OK,'' says Betty; ,,but this time I want the roots!'' ,,OK,'' says Freddy and he plants some melons. When the melons are ready Freddy calls Betty: ,,Let's share the melons,'' he says. He cuts off the melons and puts them in his bag. ,,You can have the roots.'' Betty is so angry with herself that she goes into her house and doesn't speak to anyone.