5-9 Английский язык 5+3 б Переводите пожалуйста Жило было молоко и его друзья сметана,...

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38 просмотров

5-9 Английский язык 5+3 б

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Жило было молоко и его друзья сметана, творог, реженка, кефир. Они всегда дружить с людьми и приносили им пользу. Их очень любили дети.
Но вот в царстве еды поселились новые жители - чипсы, жвачки, чупа чупс и кока кола. Стали дети есть эти продукты и совсем позабыли про молоко и его друзей.
И однажды чипсы и его команда говорят молоку:
- Видите, дети нас больше любят! Потому что мы вкуснее.
А молоко им отвечает:
- Ну и что! А мы полезные.
И решили чипсы и молоко устроить соревнование, чтобы детки выбрали, кто полезнее.
И дети конечно выбрали молоко и его друзей.
Чипсы, жвачку, чупа чупс и кока кола согласились с выбором детей.
Стали ребята пить молоко и есть молочные продукты. И были они здоровые и веселые.

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 38 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Gilot was milk and his friends sour cream, cottage cheese, rezhenka, yogurt. They always make friends with the people and bring them benefits. They are very fond of children.

But in the realm of food settled, new residents - chips, gum, Chupa Chups and Coca Cola. We began to children to eat these foods and completely forgot about the milk and his friends.

And once the chips and his team say the milk:

- You see, kids have more love! Because we are tastier.

A milk they replied:

- So what! And we are useful.

And we decided to chips and milk arrange a contest to choose the kids who are more useful.

And of course the children chose milk and his friends.

Chips, gum, Chupa Chups and Coca Cola have agreed with the choice of children.

Steel guys drink milk and eat dairy products. And they were healthy and cheerful.

(522 баллов)

Спасибо большое

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Gilot was milk and his friends sour cream, cheese, Regence, yogurt. They always make friends with people and was good for them. They are very loved children.
But in the realm of food settled new residents - chips, chewing gum, Chupa Chups and Coca Cola. Children to eat these foods and had forgotten about the milk and his friends.
And once the chips and his team say milk:
You see, children love us more! Because we are tastier.And milk them says:
Well and that! And we useful.Decided the chips and milk to make a contest to chose the kids, who is more useful.And the kids of course chose the milk and his friends. Chips, gum, Chupa Chups and Coca Cola agreed with the choice of children.
Were children to drink milk and eat dairy products. And they were healthy and happy.

(12.2k баллов)

ура перевела!!!!!!!!!