Помогите, выберите правильную букву!!! Задание 8. She was a nice little girl. She … fancy...

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88 просмотров

Помогите, выберите правильную букву!!!
Задание 8.

She was a nice little girl. She … fancy dresses and … all the time. She … with her doll named Polly.

a)was wearing, was smiling, was playing
b)was to wearing, was to smiling, was to playing
c)was wearing, was smiling, were playing

Задание 9.

He … a dishwasher and we … by the pool.

a)were repairing, were sitting
b)was repairing, was sitting
c)was repairing, were sitting

Задание 10.

They were an unusual couple. He … hard and she … till noon. He … the shopping and she … football.

a)were working, were sleeping, were doing, were watching
b)was working, was sleeping, was doing, was watching
c)was working, were sleeping, was doing, were watching

Английский язык (143 баллов) | 88 просмотров
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Задание 8 будет а)
задание 9 будет с)
задание 10 будет b)