Помогите пожалуйста с английским ! Очень непростое задание! You have received a letter...

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159 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста с английским ! Очень непростое задание!
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend,Arnold by name.In his letter Arnold writes :
"Yesterday evening we had Christmas dinner.
The day before yesterday we had decorated the X-mas three,then Mum and Granny cooked some tasty things we had for dinner. I wrote my resolutions : Starting today I will :
1. Be nice to everyone,whether I like them or not.
2. Stop lying.
3. Stop forgetting my Algebra notebook. 4. Keep my comments myself .
Do you celebrate X-mas? With whom do you usually celebrate it? Do you ever make resolutions? Where did you spend your last X-mas and school holidays? I'm going to visit the USA in January. "
Write a letter to Arnold .
In your letter :
answer his questions ;
ask 3 questions about his plans for his journey to the USA

Английский язык | 159 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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В этом задании надо написать письмо Арнольду. Вот письмо:
Merry Xmas, Arnold! How are you? I received your letter and I was very glad to get it. Now I'm living in USA and we can meet, when you arrive.
We celebrate every Xmas, however once we can't do it, I was very upset in that day. I usually celebrate it with my family, but sometimes after a dinner, I go out with my friends. Your resolutions are very nice. I made resolutions about 3 years ago and I didn't fulfill them. My last Xmas I spend at home, but on the school holidays we flied in Paris for 5 days.
By the way, how many days you arrive? Can we meet? Who is with you? I hope we can meet!
Best wishes!
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