Переведите следующие предложения ** английский язык,используя форма глаголов группы...

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85 просмотров

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык,используя форма глаголов группы Perfect действительного и страдательного залогов
1.Мы только что посмотрели интересный фильм.
2.Я ещё не прочитал эту книгу.
3.Моя мама уже приготовила завтрак.
4.Мой брат недавно написал статью.
5.Когда он пришёл,его сестра уже помыла пол.
6.Вчера к шести часам вечера я сделал домашнее задание.
7.Она купит новое платье к празднику.
8.Институт будет закончен мною к следующему году.
9.Сочинения были написаны ко вторнику.
10.Предложения уже переведены мною.

Английский язык (24 баллов) | 85 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1. We have just watched an interesting film.
2. I haven't read this book yet.
3. My mum has already cooked our breakfast.
4. My brother has written an article recently.
5. When he came his sister had already cleaned the floor.
6. Yesterday by six pm I had done my homework.
7. She will have bought a new dress by the holiday.
8. By next year the Institute will have been finished by me.
9. The compositions had been written by Tuesday.
10. The sentences have already been translated by me.

0 голосов
1. We have just seen an interesting movie.
2. I have not yet read this book.
3. My mum has already prepared breakfast.
4. My brother has recently written an article.
5. When he came, his sister had already washed the floor.
6. Yesterday by six o'clock in the evening I had done my homework.
7. She will have bought a new dress by the holiday.
8. The Institute will have been finished by me by next year.
9. The works had been written by Tuesday.
10. The exercises have already been translated by me.

(542k баллов)