Помогите пожалуйста! Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо: 1.I’ll send...

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136 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста! Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо:
1.I’ll send you … email. It’s best not to talk about such things on … phone.
2. … combination of … four P’s determines … marketing mix.
3.Every morning I had to sort out … mail and distribute … faxes, before I could have … cup of coffee.
4.George has … part-time job. He works three mornings … week.
5.He has just given me … very helpful advice.
6.I’ve invited five people to … business lunch. Out of … five people, only Mr. Lee and Ms Kerry could come, … others couldn’t.
7.The quality controllers are responsible for seeing that … finished goods are properly made.
8.What do you think of … discussion that followed … meeting?
9.… economic theories simplify … reality to let … people understand … basic economic principles.
10. … English of America differs from … English of Great Britain.
11. … scarcity is … imbalance between our desires and … means of satisfying them.
12. … unemployment is very high at the moment and it’s very difficult for … people to find … work.
13. John works for … IBM now. He used to work for … British Telecom at … start of his career.
14. Lots of people are without … jobs in … city, so … government has decided to give … unemployed … special benefits.
15. We landed at … Charles de Gaulle airport in … Paris and were met by … ambassador in … person.
16. You must contact … manager and tell him about … telegram. It is … urgent telegram.
17. You’ll find … information you need at … top of … page 15. For … further information phone … number below.
18. … cost of … living in … Sweden is higher than in … other countries of … Europe.
19. … recent survey showed that … Portuguese are very good negotiators, … French admire hard work, … Germans are competitive and ambitious, and … British prefer to work in the security of a group.

Английский язык (154 баллов) | 136 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Есть всего три артикля the, a, an. The - определенный артикль, a - перед согласной буквой, an - перед гласной. Текст очень большой.

(495 баллов)