SOS! Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги: 1. 5. Ра A: Will Alice and Mary stay in London next month? B: No, they won’t. They are going to Paris. 2. A: Will Tom arrive from Moscow next week? B: No, he won’t. He is going to stay in Madrid for another two weeks. 3. A: Will you fly to London tomorrow? B: No, I won’t. I am going to fly to Geneva. 4. A: Will Mary come back next year? B: No, she won’t. She is going to work in Bombay till next spring. Составьте свои диалоги по образцу из упр. 4, используя данные слова и выражения. Драматизируйте их: Bill, come out of prison; Mary, marry John; Jack, stay with his wife; you, cook dinner; your husband, take the children from school.