СРОЧНО!Даю 25б. Дополните список с прилагательными и наречиями. 1.Bad-____ 2.Careful-___ 3.Hungry-___ 4.____-loudy 5.Miserable-___ 6.Quiet-___ 7.____-steadily 8.-____-well 9.Hard-____ 10.Fast-__
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Задание:When can you use these pharases?Match each phrase with a situation. That;s brilliant. What about Jack? See you in a minute. Six is fine. Thats;s silly. 1.Your friend wants to meet you this evening at six o;clock. Вставить фразу 2.Your friend has a very good idea.Вставить фразу 3.Your friend has a bad idei.Вставить фразу 4.Your friend wants to look at another part of the shop.Вставить фразу 5.Your friend thinks you must tell Jack.Вставить фразу