Many kinds of different animals live in Samara and its region. They live in ponds, lakes, forests, rivers, parks, but their safety is threatened.
are inhabited by many different species of animals: bears, foxes,
hares, hedgehogs, squirrels, wolves and many others. But humans are
destroying animal's habitat. People cut down many trees, make fires, pollute the environment. That is why, animals lose their homes, and die.
Frogs, many kinds of fishes (здесь можно мн. число, имеем ввиду разные виды рыб) and other living things live in ponds, lakes and
rivers. But people throw rubbish, they are dumping toxic substances, the water becomes turbid, and it
makes animals die. What can we do? The
answer is very simple. We should not throw rubbish on the ground and in
the water. We must save forests, fields, rivers and lakes and protect them.