The story begins about a small Belarusian town, which sent me on a day trip out, but I went there stop. In the past year business trips were in the fall and winter often(Oh, I already missed them!!!), so even formed a small series called: "the Quiet charm of Belarusian towns"
Quiet winter weather and old town in the West of Belarus, one of the most comfortable I had ever been. I guess that's where I would like to start to tell you about a small Belarusian towns and villages, each of which is interesting and unique in itself and each discovers something new or Vice versa long-forgotten who wants a walk. However, let's try. The main thing not in a hurry, though, time and to spare...
I was in this town almost by accident, though I have long wanted to go there: I had to give some documents for work, and then I could be completely free. A must-have item in my programme was a visit of a friend working in this town. She, by the way, last summer had me all ears buzz all there as well, what beautiful and kind people live there.