The smart little bird
There was a little smart bird in a tree. A big grey cat came to the tree. He saw the little bird and wanted to eat her. I will have the bird for my breakfast - thought the cat.
- Good morning, Miss bird - said the cat.
- Good morning, - said the bird.
- Good news! - said the cat.
- What news? - asked the bird.
The cat said
- Very good news, my little bird. All animals are good friends now. We are friends - all cats, dogs and birds. Come to me. I want to speak to you.
But the little bird was very smart.
- Of course, you are my friend, but I see many dogs and they are on their way to this tree.
- Oh, dogs. I must go home. - said the cat.
- Oh, why, my dear friend? Dogs are our friends, too. - said the bird.
- I think, they don't know the news. - said the cat and ran away.
1 Yes, it did.
2 No, it didn`t.
3 Yes, it did.
4 Yes, it was.
5 No, it didn`t.
6 Yes, it did.