Помогите, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! (англ.яз.) СРОЧНО Прочитайте текст Dreamtime. В тексте пять...

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Помогите, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! (англ.яз.) СРОЧНО

Прочитайте текст Dreamtime. В тексте пять абзацев. В каком из них говорится о
приведенных ниже фактах? Поставьте номер абзаца.

a Aboriginal society.
b Aboriginal life since 1778.
c Aboriginal religious ceremonies.

7 Верны (T) или не верны (F) данные высказывания, или в тексте ничего об этом не говорится (DS). Example: There are fewer than 30,000 Aborigenes today. DS

1 The Aboriginal culture is older than Middle Eastern culture.
2 When the Europeans arrived, most Aborigenes lived in the coast.
3 Aborigene groups always lived in the same place.
4 The Aboriginal lifestyle today is the same as it has always been.
5 Didgeridoos are important religious ceremonies.
6 Women take part in the religious ceremonies.
7 Aborigenes‟ bodies are painted before the ceremonies begin.
8 Corroborees can mark important events in an Aborigine‟s life.
9 Aborigenes believe in their own connection with the past and the future.

8 Почему животные и растения были так важны для аборигенов? Напишите, что в
тексте об этом говорится.

1 The Australian continent had its own culture, which was rich and complex in its customs,
religions and lifestyles, long before the ancient civilisations in the Middle East, Europe and the
Americas developed. For more than 40,000 years before European navigators visited their coast, the
Australian Aborigines had lived on this continent. It is estimated that before the arrival of the first
European settlers in 1778, the Aborigine population was more than 300,000. At that time, 500
different languages were spoken.
2 The Aborigenes lived in groups of 10 to 50 people. They lived a mostly peaceful, nomadic life,
moving from one area to another in their search for food. They collected fruit, nuts and insects to
eat and hunted kangaroos and emus. They adapted to the harsh environment; they were perfectly at
home before white settlers arrived.
3 The older men in the group had to build the group‟s identity through its religious beliefs and
traditions. These developed in close harmony with their environment and were very important to
the group members.The idea of Dreamtime or Dreaming was very important in their way of life.
This is the time of the creation, when the land, sea, sky and all creatures were made. Dreamtime is a
time that existed long ago, although for Aborigenes it is an experience which links the past, the
present and the future. The Aborigenes believed that a person‟s spirit did not die when the person
died. Instead, these spirits – of their parents and grandparents – continued to live on, in rocks,
animals, plants or other human forms. So each group formed a special relationship with an animal
or a plant, which acted as a symbol of their group identity and a protector. Rock paintings were of
special importance and record Aboriginal beliefs. These are also passed on from parents to their
children by storytelling and through song and dance.
4 Although the Aboriginal population of Australia is greatly reduced today today, some of their
customs live on. The ceremony of celebrating with song and dance is called corroboree.The
dancers wear special clothes and body paint. They are accompanied by drums and other
instruments, and didgeridoos, hollow pieces of wood producing a strange sound which is said to
sound like the calling of the spirits of their ancestors. Corroborees are sometimes performed to
persuade the spirits to bring rain, or to provide successful hunting. Other corroborees are held to
mark the time when boys reach manhood, to mourn death or to celebrate love.
5 With the arrival of the European settlers, the way of life of the Aborigenes changed
dramatically. Thousands died from European diseases and many had to leave their lands. The
Aboriginal culture had prepared the people for everything they might expect to face in life –
everything, that is, except white settlers.

Английский язык (873 баллов) | 82 просмотров
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They collected fruit, nuts and insects to
eat and hunted kangaroos and emus. (Они собирали фрукты, орехи и насекомых чтобы питаться, и охотились на кенгуру и эму)

The Aborigenes believed that a person‟s spirit did not die when the person
died. Instead, these spirits – of their parents and grandparents – continued to live on, in rocks, animals, plants or other human forms.(Короче говоря, они верили, что душа человека не умирает с ним, а продолжает жить в виде скал, животных, растений и других форм)

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