Заранее,спасибо!Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам, используя указан­ные в скобках...

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232 просмотров

Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам, используя указан­ные в скобках вопросительные слова1. Не brought a big watermelon from the shop (what). 2. They will come on Tuesday at half past four (who). 3. Yesterday I ate porridge with milk (when). 4. He can run very quickly (how). 5. His mother gave him an apple and a sandwich (whom). 6. Her blouse is blue (whose). 7. In autumn my brother usually puts on a warm red anorak (what, what co­lour). 8. They will go for a walk in an hour (when). 9. We have got five pears in the bag (how many). 10. You have got some money in the pocket (how much).

Английский язык (23 баллов) | 232 просмотров
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1. What did he bring from the shop?
2. Who will  come on Tuesday at half past four? 
3. When did I eat porridge with milk? 
4. How can he run? 
5. Whom did his mother give an apple and a sandwich?
6. Whose blouse is blue?
7. What (and what co­lour) does my brother usually put on in autumn?
8. When will they go for a walk?
9. How many pears have we got in the bag?
10.How much money have you got in the pocket?

(196k баллов)