ПРОШУ СРОЧНО КАК ЧИТАЕТСЯ ТЕКСТ Mr Sanders - Excuse me. Is this the lost property office? Office Clerk: - Yes. What can I do for you? Mr Sanders - I lost my bag and I would like to report it. Office Clerk: - Where did you leave it? Mr Sanders - I think I left it on the 9 o'clock train from Leeds. Office Clerk: - What does it look like? Mr Sanders - It is a big leather bag. Office Clerk: - What colour is it? Mr Sanders - It's brown. Office Clerk: - Does it have a handle? Mr Sanders - Yes, it does. Office Clerk: - What was in it? Mr Sanders - Some clothes and my camera, a Nikon 325. Office Clerk: - OK ... I have some bags over here. Do any of these look familiar? Mr Sanders - Yes, mine is the one in the corner. Office Clerk: - Let's have a look inside to check ... A couple of T-shirts and your camera. Here you are. Mr Sanders - Thank you very much! Office Clerk: - You're welcome