Cactus is a tropical plant with fleshy stems, spines and no leaves. Most cacti only because of its appearance do not fit into the everyday presentation about plants, that they evoke contradictory feelings.There is a perception that Mexico is "attracted" to the cacti. In fact, this is not quite true. Not that Mexico took to the cacti, but its climate did not suit most other plants. In this country, the cactus is the most common plant that does not mean that they meet in Mexico at every step. Basically, there are artificial plantings and in wild condition it is difficult to find cacti, as they grow very unevenly distributed. The cacti often form a local Bush called populations. The sizes of these populations range from a few tens of meters to a few tens of kilometers. Outside of such populations can not meet the cactus of this type, even if we know that the area covers half the country. Moreover, the word "bushes" should be understood conditionally. The density of plants in the populations also varies - it may be the only instance of several square meters.