1 faster the fastest 2 worse the worst 3 slimer the slimest 4 wider the widest 5 more beautiful the most beautiful 6 more interesting the most interesting 7 funnier the funniest 8 older the olderst
2 1 worse 2 better 3 older 4 busier 5 more interesting
3 1 the most beautiful 2 the best 3 the funniest 4 the shortest 5 the worst
4 1 better the best 2 more curious the most curious 3 bigger the biggest 4 finner the finnerst 5 cleaner the cleanest 6 happier the happiest 7 taller the tallest 8 higer the highest
5 1 smaller 2 more curious 3 funnier 4 better 5
6 1 the best 2 the most beautiful 3 the olderst 4 the highest 5 the happiest