Срочно сочинение по английскому ** тему sport in our life

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Срочно сочинение по английскому на тему sport in our life

Английский язык (34 баллов) | 33 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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I like sport. It plays a great role in my life . Most of all I like to play basketball. I am a very good player and often take part in different sport competitions. Sometimes we win them but sometimes we lose. Я люблю спорт. Он играет большую роль в моей жизни. Больше всего я люблю играть в баскетбол. Я очень хороший игрок и часто принимаю участие в различных спортивных соревнованиях. Иногда мы побеждаем, но иногда мы проигрываем.
Many people keen in sport because it makes us healthy. - Многие люди увлекаются спортом, потому что он делает нас здоровыми.
During you play any sport game you are active and it helps you to burn many calories. Когда  вы играете в любые спортивные игры, вы активны, и это помогает вам сжигать больше калорий.
I like playing basketball most of all.- Мне нравится играть в баскетбол больше всего.
And I am a basketball fan too. - Я баскетбольный болельщик (фанат).
 I enjoy watching matches on TV and at the stadium. I have been to the stadium twice. It was great. - Мне очень нравится смотреть матчи по телевизору и на стадионе. Я был на стадионе в два раза. Это было здорово.

There are some indoors sport games: judo, baseball, handball, volleyball, table tennis, mini-football, basketball,  hockey, skating and etc. There are some outdoors sport games: biatlon, badminton, ice hockey, skating, football, tennis, motorcycle races, skiing. -  Есть некоторые спортивные игры для помещений: дзюдо, бейсбол, гандбол, волейбол, настольный теннис, мини-футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, катание на коньках и т.д. Есть некоторые спортивные игры на открытом воздухе: биатлон, бадминтон, хоккей с шайбой, катание на коньках, футбол, теннис, мотогонки, катание на лыжах.

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Millions of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport helps people to stay in good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. I think that every person must do all she or he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. "A healthy mind in a healthy body" as the old Latin saying goes.
All kinds of physical training are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don't do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to wake up. Then try some aerobics for myself. It puts me into the fine moods. In summer I like swimming, riding the bike or horse riding, and in winter I prefer skiing or tobogganing. Though I am not fond of doing sports, I consider sport an important part of human life. It really helps us to be healthy in mind and body.
My family mostly doesn't go in for sports. The only popular outdoor activity in our family is travelling. Every summer we make voyages around the country, and of course going to the Black sea which is one of our most beloved places. But that's the only kind of sport which is popular in our family.

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