Dave: What took you so long?
Jane: I stopped to buy some food on the way.
Dave: Oh good! Did you remember to get ( что сделать? ставим инфинитив - купить молока) some milk!
Jane: Yes! Guess who I met at the supermarket ...Sally Waltson!
Dave: Sally Waltson? I remember being (я помню, как мы дружили, здесь требуется герундий) friends with her. In fact, we used to go out with each other when we were about eighteen.
Jane: Really? Why did you stop (go out) with her?
Dave: We were just different. I enjoyed going to parties and meeting (после определённых глаголов надо ставить герундий, как здесь после глагола - enjoy) people. She could not stand hanging (после глагола couldn't stand следует герундий) around with my friends.
I have not heard from her for ages.
Jane: Well, she was asking about you. She gave me her new phone number.
Dave: Really?
Jane: Yeah, here it is. Do not forget to call her! (По смыслу -инфинитив)
It sounds like she wants to meet up again.