Are your parents already old? - общий
How old are your parents? - специальный
Are your parents old or young? - альтернативный
My parents are already old, aren't they? - разделительный
My parents aren't old yet. - отрицательное
Is she married to Tom?- общий
Who is married to Tom? - специальный
Is she married to Tom or David? - альтернативный
She is married to Tom, isn't she? - разделительный
She isn't married to Tom. - отрицательное
Was Kate with her children at the museum last Sunday? - общий
When was Kate with her children at the museum? - специальный
Was Kate with her children at the museum or at the cinema last Sunday? - альтернативный
Kate was with her children at the museum last Sunday, wasn't she? - разделительный
Kate wasn't with her children at the museum last Sunday. - отрицательное
Will we be ready in an hour? - общий
When will we be ready? - специальный
Will we be ready in an hour or in two hours? - альтернативный
We will be ready in an hour, won't we? - разделительный
We won't be ready in an hour. - отрицательное
Do they have two brothers? - общий
How many brothers do they have? - специальный
Do they have two brothers or two sisters? -альтернативный
They have two brothers, don't they? - разделительный
They don't have two brothers. - отрицательное
Did my sister have a comfortable flat? - общий
What did my sister have? - специальный
Did my sister have a comfortable flat or a cottage? - альтернативный
My sister had a comfortable flat, didn't she? - разделительный
My sister didn't have a comfortable flat. -отрицательное