Wedding is a very important and special occasion. It’s a day when two people in love get married. Different countries follow different traditions during the wedding. For example, in our country couples go to a local registry office and then to church. After that, they organize a big party, to which most relatives and close friends are invited. During the ceremony at the registry office couples exchange rings and put their signatures in special documents. The guests drink champagne there and eat chocolate. Russian bride traditionally wears a gorgeous white dress and a veil. A bridegroom wears a black and white suit. He also presents flowers to his future wife on this day. There are some superstitions about the wedding. For example, the bride shouldn’t arrive first to the church because it’s a bad luck. The groom shouldn’t see the bride in the morning of the wedding. It can also bring bad luck. At some point during the wedding the bride should toss her bouquet and the person who catches it first is supposed to get married next. Traditionally, all guests give presents to the newlyweds. It might be money, household appliances, clothing, make-up, sweets and else. Other countries also have some interesting traditions. Thus, during the wedding ceremony in Holland a wish tree is created and placed next to the bride and groom’s table. Guests put their wishes for the newlyweds on paper leaves of this tree. In Ireland the bride usually wears a wildflower wreath in her hair. In England the bride should arrive to the church with her father in a car. Koreans pick the wedding date according to astrological signs. To sum up, I’d like to say that wedding ceremony and traditions vary from country to country and are always interesting.