As we have in the village began to argue with Peter Luke, somathilaka water with sand, sister-in-law with sisters-in-law was the great battle; in that battle on porridge gorugo hurt, jelly-Gorun in full of polonium, turnips and carrots undermining picked cabbage under the sword inclined. And I'm on the battle were not ready in time, on the bench sat. At that time we lived six brothers — all Aharony, father was Taras and mother — I do not remember, as he was called; so that to the title? Let it be Malanya. I originally was younger, but the mind is great. Here people go plow the land, and we are six brothers waving his hands. People think, yeah we plow on horses, waving their hands, and we managed amongst themselves. A priest imposed for whipping buckwheat grain, waved once or twice and thrown away.